Sign On - Checkout Flow Visual Design
Owned the design for the Desktop and Mobile Web flows, as well as Android and iOS.

Designed sign-up/inflows, which allowed customers to log in through different access points, including Checkout flows included credit card screens, shipping (for Blu-rays), and billing information.
Established guidelines for Pop-ups and Error actions for different screens.
Mobile Web

Collaborated with UX Architect and PMs to establish guidelines and requirements for the Sign-On Checkout flow.
Requirements included information to be supported, credit card options, language, and the capabilities of the interface.
Next, we established around 10 different checkout flows per platform that had to be planned and designed. Trying to cover all possible ways to buy a movie or sign in to our platform.
As we moved further, we held weekly critiques with engineers to pinpoint changes to the flows.
The most challenging task was to monitor 4 different platforms at the same time, which all had different requirements and design elements. This project included over 40 checkout flows in the various platforms, as well as more than 150 screens, where I carefully looked for consistency in the branding, spacing, and other guidelines. Making it essential to keep track of changes in InVision and paying careful attention to critiques.
It was a tremendous educational experience for me, as it was one of the first times I owned a full flow of design for a platform. As a designer, I thought the most crucial part was to be very flexible at the time of designing. That makes me want to make my designs easier to modify on the go, as well as work with modular design systems and help establish one for future teams I work with.