Listed Sisters was an HGTV show that was created by Coolfire Studios. I worked on it as a motion graphics designer for the span of its two seasons. I created more than 80 deliverables per season, which included lower thirds, branding, maps, and 3D explanation graphics of the rooms that were being featured. In total, I modeled and detailed more than 85 different rooms and house exteriors.
Cinema 4D and After Effects

The designs were created by sketching the floor plan of every room in Illustrator. Followed by extruding all floor plans and perfecting them to scale in Cinema 4D. Custom models were created for detailed furniture. Additionally, some stock furniture and decorations were used from purchased packages. The final steps included a rendering of a colorless sketch and a toon version of the animation and later overlaying the colored version, which had all the custom matte textures created in Photoshop and animated in After Effects.